Here comes the rain

Let's get ready for the wet season, gear up yourself with raincoat, umbrella and rubber boots.

The cloud may be gray and the ground may be wet but we all know better how to have fun and bring the sun shine in our smiles!!

This month we had fun celebrating Islamic Holiday, Eid-ul Fitr, by having an Arabian Fair - 1001 nights. Thank you Ibu Dayu and Ibu Made from Reception Class for organizing this. We loved the decorations, the kubah arched doorway in golden material was fabulous, the stars and crescent moon ornaments, loved them all.

Thank you Lotta for being our wicked fortuneteller. The kids absolutely enchanted by you and your dazzling crystal ball, predicting on how many gifts they'll be getting on their next birthday. We loved the tea pot set and the burning incense too!!

Our BBQ was a hit!! We had it in our under roof snack area with the breeze of cooled air and the remaining of the afternoon rain, the BBQed corns and sausages were favorites.

In this picture is Ibu Nyoman, Ibu Lida, Ibu Titis and Ibu Karin.

We love dressing up, taking a journey beyond time and space, these little princesses are adorable in the cutesy shiny face cover costumes. Get patterns and instructions on how to make them here.

Thank you Ibu Ika and her friends to have came and belly danced for us. They did 4 dances for us and we all enjoyed and joined the performances. They performed Raqs baladi, (Arabic: رقص بلدي‎; literally "dance of country", or "folk" dance) is the folkloric style, danced socially by men and women of all ages in some Middle Eastern countries, usually at festive occasions such as weddings.

The day ended with a story of Aladin, read by Miss. Allison. The kids loved this classic number especially that they get to see the magic lamp. How exciting!!

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