Cheeky Monkeys has partnered with Manu Waluya, a health consultant provider to conduct few games, activity and children friendly presentation for our children. This activity is held every three weeks from morning till noon starting with the process of taking height and weight measurement records for younger groups (1 to 3 years) and finishing with older groups.
Manu Waluya has a strong commitment toward health for the youth. Established full-heartedly by Ibu Mercya, a mother of two and one of them is our very own cheeky monkey, Manu Waluya is supported with dedicated nutritionists and public health experts who graduated both locally and internationally.
Our Cheeky Monkeys-Manu Waluya team consist of some of the best nutritionist on the island :-) Ibu Hanna Mutiara, she holds an early childhood teaching degree and also a degree in nutrition (no wonder she's so good with the kids) and Bapak Agung Ngurah who holds master degree in Public Health from Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia. Parents are very welcomed to come and ask any questions regarding their children's food diet, hygiene routine and other related topics.
This are some of the topics that currently being talked about, play games and sing about :-)
-Healthy Food. Alice in The Wonderland of Talking Vegetables
-Healthy Body; Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes
-Gulliver Travels to Public Toilets