Year Book 2011, the making.

It must be my lucky day today. I spent only 3 hours in the print shop to get the year book edited and ready to be printed. The queue was thin which is very rarely happen, so I'm sitting with my laptop few hours after with a print proof of the book in hand. Hooray!!

Few words to describe the style of the year book this time are; fresh, cute and flowery.

I use graphic programme called Corel Draw, it's reasonably user frie
ndly and i can edit and import images very easily. The pictures used in the book mainly taken by the teachers so they need some cropping and exposure editing :-)

Most of the scrapbook images i use here i got them online, some are freebies but some i paid for. I chosed a floral paisley design from The Paper Factory by Marieke V for the cover. I always love paisleys design and this one comes in a fresh red - orange - aqua blue combination, i find it perfect for the book.

The book contains individual pictures of the children and teachers and also class or group photos.Taking pictures is the most exciting phase of the book! Our children just absolutely love to pose and of course the teachers too! So much that sorting and selecting them can be challenging.

Anyway here are some of them:

There's a blurb for each child, something sweet to remember about this year. The children from Reception and Kindergarten class wrote the blurb themselves. Super sweet!

I quoted this beautiful and inspiring poem by Bruce Williamson for the book:

Walk in the rain,

smell flowers,
stop along the way,
build sandcastles,
go on field trips,
find out how things work,
tell stories,
say the magic words,
trust the Universe.

The book is 22 pages thick, printed digitally and available with Ibu Karin and Ibu Wayan in the admin. I hope you enjoy it.

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